Saturday, April 16, 2011

I Heart You Pancakes


I love love love looove pancakes! I make them every Sunday. The best trick I learned from mom is not to stir the flour too much or else it will go flat. My favorite are the nutella pancakes, but the brown sugar cinnamon ones are pretty good too.

Did you know pancake in spanish is el panqueque? It's an even better word when you say it like this(click the speaker to the right of the word in spanish. Teehee)

Plain Ol' Pancakes

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tbsp baking powder
Pinch or two of salt
1 scant tbsp sugar
2 eggs
2 tbsp butter
1 1/3 cups milk

Mix together the dry stuff, then the wet. It should be about the consistency of lumpy pudding. Drop it in the pan and wait till it gets dry and bubbly around the edge, then flip it.

Ok, now this is where it gets fun....

Cinnamon Brown Sugar Pancakes
Add about 2 tsp(give or take) to your pancake batter. When you drop it in the pan, wait a few seconds, then put about a teaspoon of brown sugar on top. Put more batter on top, then flip. It tastes great with caramel syrup on top.
Brown Sugar Filling

But I haven't made those in forever ever since I started using nutella for a filling instead. Same method and everything, just extra delicious.


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