Friday, April 22, 2011

Pink Pasta Salad

This could also just be titled "what I wolfed down while finishing The Hunger Games." Both were pretty good, although I felt a little bad reading about kids who had starved to death while I was completely stuffed with this goodness. Mmmmmm.....

It's quick and dirty. I just made it up on the fly, so really anything goes. All you need to start the one I made is to chop up some pickled beets and a cucumber.

It is obscene how much I love pickled beets.

Fry up some chicken and onion chunks, as well as a handful of pasta....

With garlic, butter, and basil this smelled soooo good.

Then just throw it all in together with some italian dressing! I forgot how easy and delicious it is. Ok so here's my big girl recipe, all written out....

Pink Pasta Salad
1 cucumber
1 can pickled beets (YES!)
1 onion
1 lb boneless, skinless chicken
(i used thighs to save money, but breasts would probably have tasted better)
about a handful of pasta
(I used whole wheat angel hair)
To taste:
Italian dressing
garlic, salt, onion powder, basil, whatever else floats your culinary boat

Chop the first four ingredients into bite sized chunks. Put the cucumber and the beets in a bowl, set aside. Throw your chicken chunks and onion in a pan along with some olive oil, and whatever spices you like. At this point I also added a little wine to cook because I am an unapologetic wino. So there.

Anyhow while your covered pan is cooking away, start boiling up the pasta. Basically at this point you just have to wait until everything on the stove is done. Strain your pasta and dump it in the bowl with the veggies, then add the chicken mixture. Stir it all up with the dressing and add whatever more flavoring you'd like. At this point if you're a pickled beet fanatic like me, add more juice from the pickled beet can. Rejoice.

Cover it in plastic wrap and store in the fridge. Oh, and do what I do and grab a bowl before it chills. Who cares if it's warm, It's delicious!

Yeild: One giant, steaming bowl of awesome.

I should've added zucchini. Oooo or apples!

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